Know The Market – Complete Series

Market Intelligence

KNOW THE MARKET: a 5-step go-to-market guide for companies who sell to restaurants

This course is designed to help B2B professionals create go-to-market strategies proven to grow businesses targeting the restaurant industry both faster, and more predictably.

If “operationalizing the systems and teams that sell things to restaurants” sounds interesting, this is the course for you!

[01] Know the market:
Go-to-market series intro & expectation setting
[02] The perks—and problems—with GTM strategies targeting the restaurant industry
[03] STEP 1 - Speak the market: Aligning how we talk about the restaurant industry
[04] STEP 2 - Find the market: Uncovering industry TAM with modern market intelligence
[05] STEP 3 - Ingest the market: Solving bad CRM data with strategic data acquisition
[06] STEP 4 - Segment the market: Finding and documenting your restaurant industry ICP​
[07] STEP 5 - Own the market: Using account coverage to activate your go-to-market plan​
[08] Go-to-market recap & final thoughts