Knowledge Hub

Advice and answers from the Restaurantology Team

Following the successful installation of the Restaurantology managed package, the second step in implementing Restaurantology in Salesforce is to access the “Setup and Settings” tab of the Restaurantology App, which can be accessed by clicking “Setup for Admins and Experts”.

Note: This tab contains several advanced troubleshooting tools that will not be discussed in detail in this article. Admins should exercise caution when navigating through advanced setup items, taking care to only interact with admin features when prompted to by the Restaurantology onboarding team.

Learn more about advanced trouble shooting here →

Prepare your data

During implementation, admins will spend the majority of their time on the Setup & Settings > Prepare your data subtab. This subtab provides essential tools to ensure the accuracy and optimization of your data prior to matching records with Restaurantology.

Here’s a quick overview of the Prepare your data subtab:

  1. Your Salesforce Instance: High-level details about Accounts within your Salesforce instance. This includes information such as the number of Accounts, your existing hierarchy structure, and the count of global Parent accounts. Understanding these details gives you an overview of your data landscape and aids in configuring Restaurantology effectively.

  2. Record Reconnection: In cases where admins have made adjustments to the Account > Restaurantology Internal ID field through the data import wizard or Salesforce data loader, a Record Reconnection is required. This process reconciles any unmapped Restaurantology Logs resulting from those changes. Launching the Record Reconnection ensures that all relevant data is accurately mapped and associated within Restaurantology.

  3. Index Data: After the initial installation, it is crucial to launch the primary data indexing process within the “Prepare your data” subtab. This indexing helps create hidden, normalized Account Names and Account Websites values used during the data mapping process. By indexing the data, you optimize the matching capabilities of Restaurantology and improve the accuracy of its recommendations.

  4. Search for duplicates by website: Here users can review and resolve potential Account duplicates that share a common website. This feature enables admins to identify and address duplicate records efficiently. By resolving duplicates, data accuracy is improved, and potential conflicts are minimized.

  5. Search for duplicates by Account Name: Similar to the search for duplicates by website, admins can search for potential Account duplicates based on their names. This functionality assists in identifying and resolving duplicate records with common Account Names, ensuring a clean and accurate database.