

Expert insights into the restaurant industry, market trends, scaling restaurant tech companies, RevOps, and more.

It’s a competitive time to sell software to restaurants

October 24, 2023 | Go-to-Market (GTM)
Software innovation is accelerating, and so are the number of tech companies targeting the restaurant industry. Collectively, we’re starting to ask for a lot from restaurant operators. The tech...

3 tips for crafting emails that cold-pitch SaaS to restaurants (and beyond)

October 10, 2023 | Office Hours
“If I had more time, I would have written a shorter email.” Sorry, Mark Twain. I just couldn’t resist. Selling to restaurants is not easy, and is not for the faint of heart. This industry has a...

Opinion: There are only 2 GTM strategies for restaurant tech companies

September 26, 2023 | Go-to-Market (GTM)
Are you Olo or are you Toast? It might seem weird, however *that* is the question. In the 15 years I’ve spent obsessing over restaurant tech GTM strategy, I’ve become more and more convinced...

List purchase is ruining your GTM

August 29, 2023 | Go-to-Market (GTM)
Purchasing lists has been the “go-to” for restaurant tech go-to-market (GTM) strategies. But can modern SaaS companies really depend on flat files to generate nimble GTMs? The short answer is no,...

Bad data is ruining your GTM

August 22, 2023 | Go-to-Market (GTM)
Bad data can have far-reaching effects on go-to-market strategies. So why is there so little priority placed on improving data strategy? Underestimating the negative effects of bad data on business...

Solving data decay: using integrated market intelligence to fix the problem at its source

July 24, 2023 | Trends and Advice
This is the third and final blog in a 3-part series designed to help companies targeting the restaurant industry better understand, diagnose, and ultimately resolve CRM data decay. Read part one here...

Diagnosing data decay: A step-by-step guide for companies selling to restaurants

July 17, 2023 | Trends and Advice
This is the second blog in a 3-part series designed to help companies targeting the restaurant industry better understand, diagnose, and ultimately resolve CRM data decay. Read part one here....

Defining data decay: understanding the gradual erosion of CRM data quality

July 10, 2023 | Trends and Advice
This blog kicks off a 3-part series designed to help companies targeting the restaurant industry better understand, diagnose, and ultimately resolve CRM data decay. While the value of any CRM lies in...

5 sandwich & sub shops on Restaurantology’s radar

June 13, 2023 | Industry News
Americans love sandwiches. They are the cornerstone of breakfast, lunch, and dinner menus across both Limited- and Full-Service restaurants. Last year alone, billions of dollars were made selling...

The restaurant industry “long tail”

June 6, 2023 | Office Hours
Ciao! Welcome to the first Restaurantology Office Hours. This will be our time to discuss, debate, and dissect topics around restaurant market intelligence, go-to-market strategy, RevOps, data...