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Restaurantology glossary

Common terms you might see as you're working in Restaurantology's database

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16 articles in this collection
Written by Grant Gadoci

Firmographic Insights

Defining firmographic dataset standards

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Written by Grant Gadoci
Updated over a week ago
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Unit Definition

What is a restaurant, what isn't, and how Restaurantology formulates its unit counts

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Written by Grant Gadoci
Updated over a week ago
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What a restaurant is known for, from soup to nuts

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Written by Grant Gadoci
Updated over a week ago
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Service Type

From quick and counter to seated and casual, with everything in between

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Written by Grant Gadoci
Updated over a week ago
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Price Range

How much you can expect to spend, from $ to $$$$

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Written by Grant Gadoci
Updated over a week ago
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Concepts and Companies

The importance of differentiating a brand from an LLC

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Written by Grant Gadoci
Updated over a week ago
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Ownership and Franchises

Mapping a top-down ownership hierarchy to organize the chaos

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Written by Grant Gadoci
Updated over a week ago
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Market Segmentation

Our multi-level approach to segmenting the industry from "mom-and-pops" to national brands

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Written by Grant Gadoci
Updated over a week ago
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Territory Insights

Using a bottoms-up approach to organizing the restaurant industry into sensible parts

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Written by Grant Gadoci
Updated over a week ago
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Points of Interest (POIs)

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Written by Grant Gadoci
Updated over a week ago
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Unit growth

How Restaurantology verifies and calculates unit growth over time.

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Written by Grant Gadoci
Updated over a week ago
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Historical closures

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Written by Grant Gadoci
Updated over a week ago
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Trend Insights via Inferred Status

How does Restaurantology calculate growth and decline trends?

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Written by Grant Gadoci
Updated over a week ago
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Technographic Insights

Defining technographic dataset standards

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Written by Grant Gadoci
Updated over a week ago
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Restaurantology Technographic Catalog

What types of software can Restaurantology track?

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Written by Grant Gadoci
Updated over a week ago
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Understanding data disambiguation in Restaurantology

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Written by Grant Gadoci
Updated over a week ago
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